Campaign Against Glyphosate Steps Up in Latin America

Glyphosate spraying of illegal drug crops has caused environmental damage in Colombia’s rainforest. Credit: Public domain

Glyphosate spraying of illegal drug crops has caused environmental damage in Colombia’s rainforest. Credit: Public domain

BUENOS AIRES, Apr 28 2015 (IPS) – After the World Health Organisation (WHO) declared glyphosate a probable carcinogen, the campaign has intensified in Latin America to ban the herbicide, which is employed on a massive scale on transgenic crops.

In a Mar. 20 publication, the WHO s (IARC) reported that the world’s most widely used herbicide is probably carcinogenic to humans, a conclusion that was based on numerous studies.

Q&A: Initiative Starts Mental Health Sessions for Bangladeshi Garment Workers

Mental health concerns for Bangladeshi garment workers — especially females — has always been of concern, even before the collapse of Rana Plaza. Credit: Obaidul Arif/IPS

UNITED NATIONS, Dec 19 2019 (IPS) – Nearly seven years ago, garment workers in Bangladesh were victims of one of the gravest man-made disasters in history a factory collapse that left more than 1,100 workers dead, and rendered thousands with injuries in many cases lifelong ones. 

For many of the workers from Rana Plaza, the trauma remains real even to this day.

Bangladesh relies heavily on its garment industry for its rising status in the global economy, with text…

Caught in Tangled Web of Vaccine Nationalism

KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia, Feb 2 2021 (IPS) – “Oh what a tangled web we weave When first we practice to deceive”. Walter Scott’s lines, already over two centuries old, nicely sum up how pursuit of national advantage and private gain have undermined the public interest and the common good.

As known COVID-19 infections exceed 100 million internationally, with more than two million lives lost, rich countries are now quarrelling publicly over access to limited vaccine supplies. With ‘vaccine nationalism’ widespread, multilateral arrangements have not been able to address current challenges well.

Jomo Kwame Sundaram

Vaccine nationalism has meant that the rich and p…